Thursday, November 02, 2006

Paige is getting teeth!!!

Paige has been working on getting teeth for a while now.... slobbering and chewing, etc. But all at once FOUR teeth are popping through!! Three on the top and one lonely one on the bottom--she's paving her own road... (According to her Nana, the dental hygienist, it's not the normal erruption pattern, but it's just fine!) She hasn't been too fussy, at least nothing that a little orajel won't fix:) She sure is CUTE w/ those little teeth sticking out now! You can only see two in
this picture, but there are three on top!!

Paige also likes to feel her teeth with her tongue. She's getting used to all this new stuff in her mouth!!

Paige is also chewing on her gums a lot--just feeling those teeth!! It's SO fun watching them grow.... and it happens SO quickly!!!!


lukechase said...

hey guys, the new pictures are great.

Zack, Amy, & Blake said...

About time, Sara! ;) Just teasing. I love all the news pics!

Kacie said...

paige is looking so grown up and cute with her teeth :) she needs to teach sterling how to take it like a man...he fusses all the time when he has a new one coming in.

Anonymous said...

She is getting so big, so fast! I hope this teething time is easy for her.