Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Big Accomplishments at the Wood House!!!

Last night we celebrated!!!! It wasn't necessarily a "Scottish" celebration, but a celebration nonetheless...
Shane has been working so hard, and he completed his first chapter rough draft for his dissertation yesterday! It was a big deal, and we were very excited for him to complete this!! So, when he got home we went out on the town.... (to Quizno's... very American, I know)... But every time we're out on the town, it's some sort of Scottish experience, I guess.... And to be honest, so many of the little cafe's in the city aren't very conducive to a large stroller and a family of 5 (with little ones anyway). So, there are just pics of us below because most of our readers have most likely seen a Quizno's before. We sure had a great time!
Zion and Shane

Paige and me
(I don't know if Paige was trying to do a kiss face here or what?)

Shane and Maddox (being silly)

Zion and me (his smile is something, huh?)

Maddox and me

Shane and Paige--oh my word, she is so beautiful!!!
(Oh, and I was telling her not to smile here... Go figure...)

And Maddox was, of course, entertaining us. I tried to get this on video, but he stopped once I turned it on. He was being spiderman or something. Oh, let me correct that... He was being "Spectacular Spiderman," as the kids call it. It's hilarious!

We are SO proud of you, Shane/Daddy!!! And we love you soooooo much!!!!


Meghan said...

Great job, Shane!

It seems so funny to me that there is a Quiznos in Scotland. McDonald's yes, but who knew Quiznos was big enough to be out there conquering the world?:)

Jordan D. Wood said...

Congrats bro! Now come help me write my papers:)

Tammy said...

CONGRATULATIONS SHANE! We can't express enough how proud of you that we are! We love you!

(Meghan, we said the same exact thing..."A Quiznos in Scotland?")

Works for me...anywhere to celebrate!

These pictures are so good! We love the way you all cheer each other on and encourage one another!
Its so good to see all of you!

Dad read with me and looked at pics..walked away and said, "Man, I miss them!"

come home, come home..

love ya's!

Alexis Wood said...

Shane,way to go brother! How you do these things, well, I suppose God only knows. You are quite incredible, but don't go toting that all over Scotland :) Naw, really, good job! And it must be so wonderful to have a supportive family like the one backing you-taking you out to Quizno's and throwing you parties! Give everyone kisses. We love seeing what all you guys are doing. Love you all!!

Shane J. Wood said...

Thanks for the encouragement everyone...the high "highs" and low "lows" are easier to weather with such a great amount of love on both sides of the pond! Love and miss you all! Cheers! Shane

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

way to go, shane! you are doing such a great job!!! and, you have an AMAZING family! :)