Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mommy's Little Helper

Zion loves helping Mommy do stuff! He helps put laundry away (after he tries to help fold it), he throws stuff away in the trash can, he helps set the table, he LOVES getting stuff out of the refrigerator or pantry, he helps pick up (sometimes), he even helped mommy bake a cake and decorate it too--for his Pappy's birthday, and he helps empty the dishwasher and puts the dishes away!... He was putting dishes away here.... What a great helper!!


Anonymous said...

I love it when they pich in and help. We have to cherrish them wanting to help now, because later it might not be so fun for them to help. Great to hear from you, Sara. God Bless:)

Anonymous said...

How cute! He's grown up so much!

granny said...

sara, that is so precious to watch him help around the house. hopefully he won't take after his uncle bri bri in a few years and like clock work always need to go to bathroom when it is time to do the dishes!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that info Cindy. I knew it couldn't be just my cooking.

Sara said...

bri, i have noticed that you're quite helpful!! but you could try to keep it a little more modest... erin, did brian tell you when i stopped by one night and he was vacuuming in his underwear?!!!.... but at least he was cleaning, huh?...:)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this - Right now Noah just wants to climb onto the dishwasher door. The other day he actually turned it on!