Hi, Daddy!! Since you're at school all day (and your phone is dead at home, so we can't talk to you), I got the idea from Erin to make a post about our day today! Here's what we've been up to.... We miss you and love you!!!
Zion & Mommy ate tuna salad. (And we had a Sonic drink!!:)
Paige has done little more than be absolutely adorable today... as usual:)
She is "SOOO BIG!!!!!" (She loves throwing her arms up to show you!)And she's clapping for you, Daddy!! Yeah!!!!.....
Zion was just chillin' after he picked up ALL his chips by himself!! Good job, Zion!Then Zion was talking to Paige. He picked all his chips up so she could play on the floor with him. Isn't he such a good big brother?!....Zion is such a good drummer! He wanted to show you, Daddy, that he was practicing.
We have been having a great day, Daddy! Hope you are too! Love you and miss you--hurry home!:)
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