Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Zion's BIG Day!!!

Open House
We've had a BIG weekend at the Wood house!!!... Last Thursday, it all began! Zion's open house for school was Thursday night. We got all his supplies together (in his new "Kung Fu Panda" backpack!) and dropped them off. We met his teachers and saw the facility! It was nice to see everything. Zion wasn't too sure about things with all the parents, student's siblings and chaos!!!... But we assured him it wouldn't be so crowded and crazy on Monday.

This is Zion all ready for the open house!

Here's Paigey ready to go with her bubby to the open house!

Here, Zion walking with daddy & Maddox to the open house!

Zion's Special Day

Since Zion is now a "big boy" going to school, Shane wanted to do something special, just the two of them.... So, this past Saturday they went to the creek together. They talked about being a big boy, talked about special things that Zion would do now that he's big, and they threw rocks in the creek and got all wet! They had a BLAST! And they got some orange soda on the way home to top it all off! Zion looked forward to having this time with his daddy, and it was wonderful!!! The top picture is before they left, and the picture below is when they got home.

Zion's First Day of School

And here's Zion on his first day of school!!!!

Paige and Zion--did I mention that we're all really excited?!!!

Zion with his brother & sister!!!

Zion & Mommy

Zion, Daddy & Paigey

We've had a BIG last few days!!!! Zion is loving school!!! When I went to pick him up on Monday, he didn't want to leave! He's excited about going back tomorrow--he goes Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. His teacher asked him to bring a book from the library for Wednesday so the whole class can read it! He thought that was pretty special! He finally opened up tonight (Tuesday) to Shane and me before going to bed. We were laughing and talking all about school!!! He's doing GREAT!!!


Tammy said...

Congratulations Zion! What a BIG BOY! He looks way too big in these brought tears to my eyes! Seems just yesterday that he was born! So thankful that he is liking school...I knew he would do just fine on his first day! I love all the pics! Thanks for sharing, love and miss you all SOOOOO MUCH!

Sarah said...

Zion looks so big in these pictures. I'm glad that he likes going. Either they love it, or hate it. I think it was awesome to have a Daddy day out with just him and Shane. What a cool idea.

So how bad does Paige want to go with Zion?

Meghan said...

I love that he is so excited about school and seems to be settling in with no problems! Yay!

I think "Daddy dates" are so great. Todd tries to do one about once a month with Iris. It's nice to have that one-on-one time - especially once siblings are involved. Iris adores them! I love that Shane and Zion appear to be dressed alike for their outing - what a great father/son duo they are!

Tammy said...


I would really like to have copies of these pictures, please!! See you next weekend!

Francie Roseen said...

I just caught up on your blog...great pix and I'm very excited for Zion. He'll be a great student and I really hope he is always so excited for the opportunity to learn. Love you.

Kacie said...

I love all the pictures! It's good to see you and Shane too :) I'm so glad Zion is liking school. Sterling has been crying lately when we drop him off so I will show him these pictures to encourage him about going. Love you all.

justin said...

Holy smokes! Zion, you're growing up way too fast, and I'm missing all of it! I'm so proud of you! Shane and Sara, you guys are doing awesome with this whole parenting gig. And, of course, Paige and Maddox have the sister and brother thing down pat. Alright, this is getting too mushy... Love you!