Friday, September 12, 2008

Hola! Estamos Cantando Y Caminando!

Just some fun videos of the kids!!...

Paige was singing some songs we've sung at home and also at church! It was SOOO cute!

Zion has been working on Spanish numbers and colors at school! He's SO smart!!

And here's Maddox taking a few more steps!! He's SO big!!!

P.S. Gracias, Pablo!


Kacie said...

We all loved the videos!! Sterling especially likes watching Maddox walking. Way to go for the kids learning Spanish already- they are so ahead of where we were at that age huh?! Love you all.

Meghan said...

I was literally sitting by myself at the computer cracking up at the two of them talking in Spanish. It is adorable. They have such great pronuciation!! They even roll their R's!! Maddox is so cute!!

Meghan said...

I love the Spanish! Your kiddies ARE SO SMART!! I'm so impressed! And what sweet singing by Paige! My all-time favorite kid thing is when they sing songs - is there anything cuter than that?? Maddox looks like he's doing a great job at walking!

Tammy said...

Yeah!!! videos are my favorite! Next best thing to being there....How sweet was that! I was hoping Paigey would sing 'our song' This little light of mine....Zion speaks Spanish very clear..well done Zion! Love seeing Maddox walk!! Love his chubby thighs! Can't wait to see you all soon! Hope everyone is getting better and not feeling so yucky... hugs & kisses!

Emily said...

LOVE IT!!! I love to hear and see little ones singing and I can't believe how they talk in Spanish. Ava sometimes will tell me "watch! I'm speaking Spanish" but then it's not and really, it's just gibberish! So cute~!

Zack, Amy, & Blake said...

We loved these! Blake of course loves watching his Paigey over and over! :) Your kids are so smart! Miss ya guys!

Sarah said...

Love the videos. Paigey has natural talent (well just look at who her parents are), and Zion really impressed me by how well he speaks in Spanish. Maddox is getting so big so fast!

Margo Jean Stewart said...

These videos were the highlight of my week. Love you Zion, Paige and Maddox!!!