Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just Some More Pics...

Here are just some pics.... Nothing very new to report here. We've hit a nice groove here in Edinburgh--visiting the park, grocery shopping every couple of days (due to walking/carrying everything and small storage space), and homeschooling and napping (for the 2 youngest anyway)....
Zion, Paige and Maddox: Today... We had a weird day... So, getting the camera out always livens things up, right?

Here's Paige posing... We have been braiding her hair lately, which is a new thing. She really, really, really wanted 3 braids in her hair!... Since that's how old she is, DUH!... So, we did it--as you can see below... Above, she was posing--adorable, huh?

And this was actually taken last week... The kids were being really silly, still in their pajamas and had gone to one of the beds!
These three certainly love each other!!!

Oh yeah, for any history buffs wondering about "Annie Londonderry" from our last post... She was a very brave and influential woman in the late 1800's who rode her bike all over the world. Sounds kinda silly, but was actually a bold move for a woman at that time. As I said, there was a women's suffrage parade here in Edinburgh last week--so, I'm guessing that's why they noted "Annie Londonderry" even though she was an American woman. Also, we still haven't really figured out why they hung it on David Humes statue... Our theories: 1. Because it's a very prominent thing on the Royal Mile. or 2. Because it's a statue of a man. David Hume lived about a century before Annie Londonderry, and he doesn't seem to have been against women's suffrage. That's all I know, folks...


Sarah said...

I love seeing how cuddly they are with each other. Paige's hair is getting so long!

What beautiful kids you guys have!

Francie Roseen said...

Loved the 3 braids. Good to see things are settling into some routine for you. The time goes fast, so make the most of it!!(-: Surely love you!

Jordan D. Wood said...

OK. It's time to come home now.... We miss you guys too much:)

Meghan said...

What sweet kiddos you have! Aren't siblings the best? One of the things I'm loving right now about the girlies is that they play together! Lydia's finally big enough - it's so cute! One of my biggest prayers is that they would continue to love and care for each other as they grow up - I want them to be best friends!:)

Thanks for the history info...being a history buff, I was totally wondering! Also, can I just tell you that the picture in your previous post where the kids are sitting on pillows while Shane reads the bible to them was so precious! What a great habit to instill in your kiddos - a love for God's Word!

Jordan D. Wood said...

Alexis and I were just talking about how much we miss you guys, so, really...come home now. (And give the kids HUGE hugs and kisses from us).

Tammy said...

Love the pics! How is it possible that they are growing so fast in 6 weeks!? Loved talking to you all on was SO good to see you and hear your voices! Hugs and kisses....we really miss you guys!!!''love you!