Sunday, August 31, 2008

Women's Bible Study

Well, some of you ladies reading this received an email from me, but I'm sure there are some I either do not have a current email address for or that I neglected to send it to. (I apologize!!) And some of you may have noticed the new blog added to my blog roll--Women Seeking Him. I would like to invite any of you women out there who are interested to check out this blog! Me, along with two dear friends, have started this blog to form a community of women who are seeking to know God and His Word more, but may not have the opportunity to attend a regular Bible study. (Even if you do go to a Bible, feel free to join us!) We will be going through Beth Moore's workbook A Woman's Heart--God's Dwelling Place. There will be weekly (and perhaps daily) posts to generate discussion and help us process and work through the study together. It will also, hopefully, work as accountability for all of us to grow in the Word. If you haven't checked out the blog yet click here or see the link on my "Blogs We Love" list!!!