Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Last Weekend....

Shane's Graduation Party

This past weekend we celebrated a lot!!!! First, we had a graduation party for Shane. As some of you may remember, Shane graduated with two Masters degrees back in May. He worked hard over the past four years at Lincoln Christian Seminary, and deservedly earned his Masters degrees with honors!! We are SO proud of him!!!

The grad table.... Both degrees, towels, hoods, cap... The thesis, nicely bound (red book at the right), and of course, cake and cookies!!

Jordan & Alexis..........Papa & Paige

A few of the people that helped us celebrate!

We hung out outside and had a blast! It was hot, of course, but still fun! Nana & Pappy got us a bad mitten/volleyball net--which Zion loves!!!! Thank you, Nana & Pappy, for everything!!!!
It's hard to tell from the above picture, but Superman actually showed up at the party!! (Zion insisted on wearing his Superman pj's the whole day! It was cute!)

Paige, swinging of course.......Maddox eating--SO CUTE!

Thanks to everyone who came to help us celebrate!.... (Especially those who traveled so far!) We love you all!!!!

Labor Day

We played outside on Labor Day. It was SO fun!

We got the pool out and the kids enjoyed filling it up, putting their faces in the water and jumping in & out!

Paige was "relaxing" in the pool! She was leaning against one side--it was SO cute! And Zion kept putting his face in the water and then coming up splashing--it was SO cute too!!!... (My kids are SO CUTE!!:)


Meghan said...

Your kids ARE so cute!

I'm glad you had such a great weekend!

Sarah said...

Oh how I wish we could have been there. We know how hard Shane worked! I'm glad you guys had such a great time.

The kiddos look like they had a blast on labor day. Paigey looks like she getting taller!

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

Yes, your kids are SUPER CUTE!!!!!! I love long weekends, don't you? :)

Tammy said...

We had sooo much fun spending time with all of you! I miss you all terribly! dear son....I am so proud of you! I love you!

granny said...

Shane, What a great accomplishment!!!! We are proud of you!!! Wish we could have shared in your celebration!! We were thinking of you!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Tom & Cindy

justin said...

Crystal and I loved getting to come down. Trust me when I say it was hard to leave on Saturday after only a day. We get to see you soon though for Maddox's first birthday!!!!