Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Maddox's First Birthday!!!

Here are some pics from Maddox's first birthday!!! We had SO much fun!! Thanks to everyone who was able to come and help us celebrate! Oh, and to explain some of the pics... Maddox did NOT like his cake! Yes, in fact, he cried! We all know he does not get that from his mama!... Also, there are some of Maddox's "one year" pics in the mix and also some "Mommy & Maddox" pics that we finally got taken!!! Enjoy!!


Nathan and Stefany Head said...

He is just TOO CUTE!!!!!!! What an amazing little video you put together! Great job!

Meghan said...

I LOVE this! All the pictures were so cute! I'm all teary...too sweet!

Zack, Amy, & Blake said...

These are so cute! Okay - so have you received my e-mail yet?! D-I-S-R-E-G-A-R-D! lol That's what I get for not checking here first. lol Thanks for sharing!

Sara said...

amy, you're hilarious!! i just got your email and wrote you back giving you a hard time!:) ha!!! too funny!!!:)

Erin said...

This was so cute. Maddox is such a ham. I can't believe he didn't like his cake, you can send his leftovers to me.:)

Kacie said...

GREAT PICS!! I'm so impressed that you spelled out an M on all the cupcakes, way to go! :)

Sarah said...

Justin said it was a wonderful party. It looks like you all had fun, and I loved the idea of "M" on the cupcakes.
The 1st birthday pics and Mommy and Maddox pics are adorable. Did your friend that did you other family shots do those? They look great!

Tammy said...

oh...this is so adorable Sara! We had so much fun being there celebrating our little buddy's birthday! Oh how I miss you all soo much! Can't wait till next weekend!

Margo Jean Stewart said...

sara, i love your kiddos! it looks like you put together yet another wonderful party - we miss celebrating with you guys!

Charles said...

Thanks for posting this, Sara! You all look so happy. I wish we could've been there!

Give Murdock, Zoo-On, and Pogey kisses and hugs from us.

The Grothaus Gang said...

Sara, I keep forgetting to tell you that the picture of your family all laying on your bellies is absolutely amazing! It should be displayed in a gallery somewhere! I assume it was taken by Katie! You and Amy have sold me on her photography! I will have to book her after the baby is born!

Shane J. Wood said...

I am watching this from Prague right now and missing my kids and beautiful wife terribly. My love I will be home in just two days! Miss you guys. Love Daddy