Monday, October 13, 2008

A Little Update....

Sorry for not posting for SO long!... The past week or two have been a little crazy for us! Most of you know that Shane was off gallivanting across the world in Europe--Prague, Berlin and Budapest to be exact. He was visiting each of the ICR libraries and also checking in with a school that is an option for his PhD. He safely returned to us this past Saturday night, but has since become ill with the flu! YUCK! So, pray for him. He was dealing with jet lag as it was and now this! And we missed him terribly and just want all to be back to normal....

Besides all of that, the kids and I have been doing pretty well... We kept ourselves busy and distracted while Shane was gone. We had visitors, ER visits and all kinds of stuff! Okay, I know I need to explain... Maddox fell off the couch and landed directly on his back and sort of hit his head (on the carpet). Almost immediately after picking him up to comfort him he began throwing up (which can be a sign of concussion). After having talked with a nurse at the hospital, she said I needed to have him looked at right away! So, off to the ER we went. He was perfectly fine. They suggested keeping an eye on him, and said (exact words), "If he becomes less and less conscious, we need to see him!" I don't know why that cracks me up.... Anyway, Maddox is completely fine. He had had some milk just before his fall, and we think maybe it just jostled it around a bit and that's why he threw it up. So, there's the story....

I also got a new SD card for my camera which doesn't seem to want to work with my computer the same way my old one did... So, that's another reason for no new pics lately.... I'll get it worked out and get back to posting soon!!!


Nathan and Stefany Head said...

oh my goodness, girl! what a crazy couple of weeks! i'm so glad that maddox is fine and that shane made it back safely. i bet that was a trip of a lifetime! jealous!!!!!!!! i hope he gets to feeling better very soon so you all can enjoy being back to normal! i love ya!

Sarah said...

You have had a crazy couple of weeks. I'm glad Shane is back home because I know that relieves some stress, but now I can't believe he's sick. Poor thing!!! You guys are in my prayers!

Meghan said...

I'm glad Shane made it home safely! Poor Maddox! I'm glad all is well - nothing like a little extra excitement, huh?

Emily said...

Poor Shane. I hope he is feeling better soon. Glad he is home where he belongs, though, before getting sick.

And baby Maddox! I know how scary that can be. When Owen was about a year old, an older girl at church accidentaly knocked him down and he went straight back and slammed his head on the wooden gym floor. He threw up three times. I'm glad Maddox is ok!

The Grothaus Gang said...

Another fantastic picture, Sara! To answer your questions...I'm feeling pretty good but can't wait for December! We are adjusting well to life in Hamilton. It's good for me to be closer to family who can help me with the boys when I'm exhausted. I also seem to have more to do around here and more chances to get involved. Your family makes me smile. Glad you have Shane back for now. Hope you all enjoy the rest of the fall season!

Tammy said...

So thankful that Maddox is alright! That is so scary! Hopefully Shane will start to feel better soon...glad to hear he's back and I can't wait to hear about his trip! Looking forward to spending time with you all again soon! Give my sweet babies hugs & kisses please! Love U all...